Journal Articles
1. Magothe, T. M., W. B. Muhuyi and A. K. Kahi. 2010. Influence of major genes for crested-head, frizzle-feather and naked-neck on body weights and growth patterns of indigenous chickens reared intensively in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42: 173-183.
2. Okeno, T. O., R. C. Bett, A.K. Kahi and K.J. Peters. 2011. Economic values for resistance to helminthosis and new castle disease in indigenous chicken in the tropics. Journal of Veterinary Advances 1: 1-1-10.
3. Bett, H. K., R. C. Bett, K.J. Peters, A.K. Kahi and W.Bokelmann. 2011. Estimating farmer’s preferences in selection of indigenous chicken genetic resources using non-market attributes. Animal Genetic Resources 49: 51-63.
4. Okeno, T.O., A. K. Kahi and J. K. Peters. 2011. Breed selection practices and traits of economic importance for indigenous chicken in Kenya. Livestock research for Rural Development (
5. Ngeno, K, B.O Bebe and A. K. Kahi. 2011. Estimation of Growth Parameters of Indigenous Chicken Populations Intensively Reared in Kenya. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology 11:13-28.
6. Ngeno, K, B.O Bebe and A. K. Kahi. 2012. Genetic evaluation of growth traits in ecotypes of Kenyan indigenous chicken. Family poultry Journal 21: 4-12.
7. Bett, H. K., K.J. Peters, J.K. Lagat, A.K. Kahi and W. Bokelmann. 2012. Linking utilisation and conservation of indigenous chicken genetic resources to value chains. Journal of Animal Production Advances 2: 33-51.
8. Okeno, T. O., A. K. Kahi and K. J. Peters. 2012. Characterization of indigenous chicken production systems in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44: 601-608.
9. Magothe, T. M., T. O. Okeno, W.B. Muhuyi and A.K. Kahi. 2012. Indigenous chicken production in Kenya: I. Current status. World’s Poultry Science Journal 68: 119-132.
10. Magothe, T. M., T. O. Okeno, W.B. Muhuyi and A.K. Kahi. 2012. Indigenous chicken production in Kenya: II. Prospects for research and development. World’s Poultry Science Journal 68: 133-144.
11. Okeno, T. O., T. M. Magothe, A. K. Kahi and J.K. Peters. 2012. Application of risk-rated profit model functions in estimation of economic values of indigenous chicken breeding. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44:1279–1287.
12. Okeno, T. O., A.K. Kahi and J.K. Peters. 2012. Household flock structure, dynamics and breeding practices of indigenous chicken production systems in Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 76: 53-59.
13. Okeno, T. O., A. K. Kahi and K.J. Peter. 2013. Evaluation of breeding objectives for purebred and crossbred selection schemes for adoption in indigenous chicken breeding programme. British Poultry Science 54: 62-75.
14. Ngeno, K, T.M. Magothe, T.O. Okeno, B.O. Bebe and A.K. Kahi. 2013. Heritabilities and Correlations Between Body Weights and Growth Curve Parameters of Indigenous Chicken Populations Reared Intensively in Kenya. Research Journal of Poultry Sciences, 6: 43-52.
15. Okeno, T.O., T. M., Magothe, A. K. Kahi and Peters, K. J. 2013. Breeding objectives for indigenous chicken: Model development and application to different production systems. Tropical Animal Health and Production 45, 193-203.
16. Ngeno K., E.H. van der Waaij and A. K. Kahi. 2014. Indigenous chicken genetic resources in Kenya: Their unique attributes and conservation options for improved use. World's Poultry Science Journal 70: 173-184.
17. Khobondo, J.O., T. O. Okeno, G. O. Lihare, C. B. Wasike and A. K. Kahi. 2014. The past, present and future genetic improvement of indigenous chicken of Kenya. Animal Genetic Resources 55: 125–135.
18. Ngeno K., E.H. van der Waaij, A. K. Kahi and J. A. M. van Arendonk. 2014. Morphological features of indigenous chicken ecotype populations of Kenya. Animal Genetic Resources 55: 115-124.
19. Khobondo J.O., T. K. Muasya, S. Miyumo, T. O. Okeno, C. B. Wasike, R. Mwakubambanya, A. M. Kingori and A. K. Kahi. 2015. Genetic and nutrition development of indigenous chicken in Africa. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27.
20. Ngeno K., E.H. van der Waaij, H. J. Megens, A. K. Kahi, J. A. M. van Arendonk and R. P. M. A. Crooijmans. 2015. Genetic diversity of different indigenous chicken ecotypes using highly polymorphic MHC-linked and non-MHC microsatellite markers. Animal Genetic Resources 55: 1-3.
21. Ngeno, K., T. M. Magothe, T. O. Okeno, B. O. Bebe and A. K. Kahi. 2013. Heritabilities and correlations of growth curve parameters of indigenous chicken populations reared intensively in Kenya. Research Journal of Poultry Sciences 6(3) 45-52.
22. Ngeno, K., van der Waaij, E. H., Megens, H. J., Kahi, A. K., van Arendonk, J. A., & Crooijmans, R. P. 2014. Genetic diversity of different indigenous chicken ecotypes using highly polymorphic MHC linked and non-MHC linked microsatellite markers. Animal Genetic Resources, 1-7.
23. Gicheha, M., and A. K. Kahi. 2015. Determinants of farmer participation and intensity of participation in collective marketing of indigenous chicken. Journal of Agriculture and Animal Science (in press).
24. K. Ngeno, J. M. Herrero-Medrano, E.H. van der Waaij, A.K. Kahi, H.J. Megens, J.A.M. van Arendonk and R.P.M.A. Crooijmans. 2015. Genetic variation and signatures of selection in the genomes of Kenyan indigenous chicken and commercial layers. Animal Genetics (submitted).
25. Magothe, T. M., W. B. Muhuyi and A. K. Kahi. 2015. Growth patterns and relationships between body weights and linear body measurements of indigenous chickens reared intensively in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development (in preparation).
26. J K Gakige, A M King’ori, B O Bebe and A K Kahi. 2015. Effects of targeted phase supplementary feeding on gut morphology of scavenging ecotypes of indigenous chickens in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (10) 2015
27. J K Gakige, A M King’ori, B O Bebe and A K Kahi. 2016. Performance of scavenging ecotypes of indigenous chickens on targeted phase supplementary feeding. Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (4) 2016