0Clean egg production is much easier than physical cleaning of dirty eggs. It involves simple rules of good management of chickens and proper handling of eggs to prevent contamination and deterioration in the quality of eggs. This ensures safety of the consumers.• Raise the flock in an enclosed area to...
Purchase feed from a reputable miller who can assure consistency in the quality and performance of the feed. Avoid mixing feeds from several millers, adding other protein sources like fish, meal and minerals salts (DCP) as this changes the balance in the feed thereby affecting performance. Excess of some of...
Biosecurity refers to a set of management practices which reduce the potential for the introduction and spread of disease-causing organisms onto and between sites. Biosecurity procedures, particularly cleaning and disinfection, should be combined with vaccination and strategic treatments to either eradicate or reduce these pathogens to non-infectious levels. Some of...
There are 6 major systems used in housing of layers. Free range system, Semi-intensive, Deep litter, Slatted or wire floor, Combination of slatted and deep litter; Cage or battery system. Free Range SystemsBirds have access to an outdoor area during the day. This area may be covered or uncovered. The...
Regional Conference on Sustainable Improvement of Indigenous Chicken Productivity THEME:Improving Indigenous Chicken Productivity for Health and Wealth9th – 10th September, 2015Egerton University, Kenya The conference provided a forum for agricultural researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in Africa and beyond to actively engage and exchange findings and experiences while...