PhD Theses

   Completed PhD Theses

1. H. K. Bett (2011). Economic analysis of indigenous chicken genetic resources in Kenya. PhD thesis, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.

2. T. O. Okeno (2012). Production systems, breeding objectives and selection schemes for indigenous chicken genetic resources in Kenya. PhD thesis, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.

3. K. Ngeno (2014). Development of breeding schemes for indigenous chicken for improved livelihood in Kenya. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Ongoing PhD Theses

1. J. Khobondo (PhD). Molecular characterization and identification of the QTL associated with coccidiosis resistance, implication for immunity to immeria parasite [Candidate registered at the Egerton University].

2. B. Oloo (PhD). Evaluation of egg and meat quality of indigenous chicken ecotypes in Kenya [Candidate registered at the Egerton University].

3. T. M. Magothe (PhD). The genetics of indigenous chicken production in Kenya [Candidate registered at the Egerton University].






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