Livestock Feeds Production at Egerton University

Njoro women’s group in Nakuru County has been rearing poultry for commercial purposes for the past five years. Currently, on farm, they have about 1000 hybrid layers which were obtained as day old chicks from a hatchery and reared to sexual maturity for egg production.

The group has been sourcing feeds from different feed companies due to issues concerned with consistency in feed quality and costs. As a result, they have been experiencing fluctuations in egg production and this has greatly affected their returns.

An important point that must be understood by poultry farmers is that, lack of consistency in quality of feeds can adversely affect egg production. Therefore, when sourcing for feeds, it is advisable to maintain a single source unless otherwise.

This is because of the variation in quality that exists between different feed companies which is likely to affect livestock productivity.

Egerton University has incorporated animal feed production into its programmes, branded as Egerton Feeds, to help farmers deal with the problem of inconsistency and unreliability in feed quality and supply, as well as cost; Thanks to InCIP.

The feed processing unit has teamed up with researchers in animal nutrition, from the Department of Animal Sciences in order to formulate feed rations using appropriate ingredients and in required proportions.

In addition, extensive proximate analysis is carried out on raw materials and final processed feeds in the highly equipped animal nutrition laboratory at Egerton University.

The purpose of this is to ensure that they produce feeds of high quality and maintain these standards that will guarantee optimum returns to the farmer.

Egerton Feeds produces feeds for various categories of livestock;

  1. Dairy cattle and goats
  2. Poultry
    • Layer chicken (Chick mash, Growers mash, Layers mash) • Broiler chicken (Broiler starter and Broiler finisher)
    • Kienyeji chicken (Kienyeji mash – to be used as supplement if kienyeji chicken are raised on free-range)
    • Quails – egg production (Quail chick mash, growers mash and layers mash)
    • Quails – meat production (Quail starter mash and finisher mash)
  3. Pigs (Sow-weaner meal)
  4. Rabbits (Pellets)
  5. Fish (Pellets)

Each of these livestock produce different products which require different nutrients at specific proportions, therefore, Egerton Feeds has focused on using tested raw materials to produce their feeds so as to ensure high productivity from the animals.

The feeds are packaged in 50kg, 20kg, 10kg and 5kg bag to suit different levels of farmers. Farmers also have the privilege to acquire animal feeds at a cheaper price and still be assured of good quality at the end of the day.

An additional benefit of Egerton Feeds is that it has a technical farm advisor who provides extension services to farmers on animal nutrition, feeds and feeding aspects. Our esteemed customers include small-scale farmers, large-scale farms and companies who are generally satisfied and keep on returning for more.

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