The Indigenous Necked Neck Chicken
The indigenous naked neck chicken is among the genotypes at InCIP. This chicken is characterised by a completely featherless neck area and thus the name.
They are very good layers with ability to produce double the standard number of eggs under improved nutrition and management.
The complete absence of feathers around their neck area makes them more heat tolerant than most chickens hence very ideal for hot climates.
These chickens have a dermis which has a unique ability of swelling, hence an excellent heat dissipation mechanism that makes them less susceptible to heat stress.
They are highly resistant to diseases and are superior to the indigenous normal-feathered, the exotic naked neck breed for growth performance, meat characteristics, egg production and the egg quality among others.
The naked neck chicken thrives under adverse environmental conditions such as, poor feeding, poor management and variable temperature among.
All these characteristics coupled with its adaptability, the indigenous naked neck chicken is the breed for future breeding strategies and hence the breed to keep!!