DR. M. Ambula Facilitates IC Handbook Preparation Workshop

Dr. M Ambula from Egerton University facilitated Indigenous Chicken (IC) module preparation exercise which was held in Malawi on 13th and 14th of January, 2014. Dr. Ambula will lead the ongoing work which will produce a training module for IC farmers. The exercise is a task that contributes towards activities 3 and 4 of InCIP.

The module will incorporate all aspects of IC production from production to processing. This is particularly intended for the Sub-Saharan Africa region. The process is participatory in nature and involves IC practitioners, scientists and farmers who interacted through presentations and detailed discussion of case studies from Malawi and Kenya.

Dr. Ambula and the Malawi InCIP technical team observed several challenges facing IC but key among them was breeding strategies and this requires innovative interventions for improved performance of IC among smallholder farmers.

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